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Found 72 results for any of the keywords cepi eurokraft. Time 0.015 seconds.
Disclaimer | CEPI EurokraftWELCOME TO THIS WEBSITE WHICH IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY CEPI EUROKRAFT The information on this website is intended for members of CEPI Eurokraft and those interested in the paper industry.
News | CEPI EurokraftThe European Paper Bag Day was celebrated all over Europe on October 18, 2018! The Secretary GeneralĀ of CEPI Eurokraft, Elin Gordon, is overwhelmed of all actions initiated by both members but also by the publicĀ around t
Privacy Policy | CEPI EurokraftAs the controller, the CEPI Eurokraft has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. However, Internet-based data tr
About us | CEPI EurokraftCEPI Eurokraft is the European Association for Producers of Sack Kraft Paper for the Paper Sack Industry and Kraft Paper for the Packaging Industry.
CEPI Eurokraft | European producers of kraft paper and sack kraft papeParis/Stockholm, 5 December 2024: EUROSAC and CEPI Eurokraft recently joined the Paper Sacks Go Circular Spain alliance. The alliance unites about...
Publications | CEPI EurokraftThe carbon footprint of paper cement sacks is 2.5 times smaller than the carbon footprint of form-fill-seal (FFS) polyethylene cement sacks. This is the outcome of a comparative, transparent study by the Swedish research
Our network | CEPI EurokraftAddress: Avenue Louise 250, Brussels B-1050 Belgium Website: CEPI
Organisation | CEPI EurokraftChairperson and Secretary General
Performance powered by nature | CEPI EurokraftSustainable growth means functioning perfectly in the current environment without compromising the quality of life of future generations. In the paper sack industry, we design individual and natural packaging solutions t
Webinars | CEPI EurokraftSep 13, 2021 | News from the organization
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